Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the agencies under its aegis have general responsibility for regulating, protecting and developing the marine and natural resources of Ireland, including forestry.
Coillte is Ireland’s leading forestry company. It was established under the Forestry Act 1988 to manage State owned forests commercially.
COFORD is the national forestry R&D programme titled Competitive Forest Research for Development. It is administered by the Research Division of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
Teagasc Forestry
Teagasc’s Forestry Development Unit provides integrated forestry advice, training and research to landowners.
Northern Ireland Forest Service
The Forest Service is an Executive Agency within the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development. In carrying out its remit, the Agency is subject to the overall direction of the Minister with responsibility for the Department.
Irish Forestry and Forest Products Association – IFPPA
IFPPA is an industry association that works to educate and communicate the potential benefits of forestry and forest products to a wide audience, including government, state agencies, public and consumers.
Wood Marketing Federation – WMF
The Wood Marketing Federation was founded in 1989 to promote wood in all its aspects including wood products, design and usage along with issues such as preservation and standards.
Society of Irish Foresters – SIF
SIF is the professional body for foresters in Ireland and is dedicated to advancing and spreading the knowledge of forestry in all its aspects, as well as promoting professional standards in forestry.
Association of Irish Forestry Consultants – AIFC
The Association of Irish Forestry Consultants represents the forest consultancy profession in Ireland. AIFC has a nationwide presence and a client base of over 1,500 forest owners.
The Irish Timber Growers Association – ITGA
ITGA supports the development and expansion of private sector forestry in Ireland.
PEFC Ireland
PEFC promotes responsible forestry through independent, third party certification of management practices and, through chain of custody certification, a means of linking the finished product to a certified forest of origin.
FSC Ireland
FSC Ireland is the Irish branch of the Forest Stewardship Council which is a global, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide.
The Tree Council of Ireland
The TOI is an umbrella body for organisations involved in tree planting, management and conservation.
Founded in order to develop and promote Pro Silva Principles which allow for the full development of the forests ecological role and the simultaneous economic production of high quality forest products.
Woodlands of Ireland – WOI
WOI group focuses attention on Ireland’s native woodlands, to highlight their importance and to secure their long-term sustainability.
National Parks and Wildlife Service – NPWS
NPWS is Division of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht that is responsible for the protection and conservation of Ireland’s natural heritage and biodiversity.
Environmental Protection Agency – EPA
The EPA is Ireland’s statutory body for the balanced and sustainable protection and management of the environment.
Inland Fisheries Ireland – IFI
Inland Fisheries Ireland is the state agency responsible for the protection, management and conservation of Ireland’s inland fisheries and sea angling resources.
Heritage Council
The Heritage Council is a public body working to engage, educate and advocate for a wider understanding of the contribution that our heritage makes to our social and environmental and economic well-being.
An Taisce
An Taisce is the national trust for Ireland which works to conserve and protect Ireland’s built and natural heritage.
National Biodiversity Data Centre
The National Biodiversity Data Centre is a national organisation for the collection, collation, management, analysis and dissemination of data on Ireland’s biological diversity.
Irish Peatland Conservation Council – IPCC
IPCC is an independent conservation organisation dedicated to the conservation of Ireland’s peatlands.
Birdwatch Ireland
Birdwatch Ireland is a conservation charity dedicated to protecting Ireland’s wild birds and their habitats.
Voice of Irish Concern for the Environment is a non-governmental organisation established in 1997 following the withdrawal of Greenpeace Ireland. It is concerned with environmental issues around water quality, climate change, waste management and forestry.
European Forest Institute – EFI
EFI’s mission is to carry out, strengthen, and mobilise forest research and expertise aimed at addressing policy-relevant needs with regard to forests and their governance in Europe.
European State Forest Association – EUSTAFOR
EUSTAFOR represents commercially oriented, state-owned forest companies, enterprises and agencies which have sustainable forest management and wood production as their major concerns.
Union of European Foresters
UEF is a federation of professional foresters organisations from 19 European countries. Representing some 80,000 foresters its aim is to promote the professional, ethical and material interests of the associations and their members to improve the position of foresters within Europe .
International Union of Forest Research Organisations – IUFRO
IUFRO is a non-profit, non-governmental international network of forest scientists, which promotes global cooperation in forest-related research and enhances the understanding of the ecological, economic and social aspects of forests and trees.