Wood Promotion and Education
The Wood Marketing Federation (WMF) was founded in 1989 to “promote wood as a renewable, sustainable and versatile natural material”. Membership includes sawmills, panel board mills, timber treatment companies, marketing organisations such as Wood-NI and State companies and agencies involved in timber processing, research and marketing including Coillte, Enterprise Ireland and COFORD, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
WMF has a number of objectives including the promotion of new uses and applications for wood and the support of the highest standards in wood use and design. Most projects have a strong educational content. WMF publications such as Woodspec – A Guide to Designing, Detailing and Specifying Timber in Ireland and other literature are aimed at architects, engineers, designers, specifiers, State agencies and educational bodies who wish to use wood as an inherent element in construction and design. It places strong emphasis on the promotion of wood to third level colleges including its annual Student Wood Awards aimed at students of architecture, engineering, design and new product development. WMF fully supports the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR).
Further information on:
Wood Marketing Federation – www.wood.ie
Woodspec – A Guide to Designing, Detailing and Specifying Timber in Ireland – www.woodspec.ie